• 1.What is TID?
    Ans: TID, is short for Token Identifier. It’s like a secret code hidden in every energy token you use on your prepaid electricity meter. It ensures that each token can only be used once.
    It’s also a number that counts the minutes since the starting date of 1993.
  • 2.What is TID rollover?
    Ans: TID rollover is like resetting your car’s mileage to zero. Similarly, in prepaid meters, special codes track your electricity usage. When they max out, they reset to zero, just like car mileage. TID rollover is when these codes reset to zero, starting fresh with electricity usage.
  • 3. What is STS?
    Ans: STS stands for Standard Transfer Specification. It is a globally recognized set of technical standards and protocols that govern the secure transfer of tokens for prepayment electricity metering systems. STS was developed to ensure the accuracy, security, and interoperability of such systems.
  • 4. What happens when the TID resets to Zero?
    Ans: Think of your prepaid meter like a toy with a secret code (TID). Just like device needs new batteries, this code needs an update. If you don’t update your prepaid meter by November 24, 2024, your meter will reject energy tokens generated after 24th November 2024. But don’t worry, there’s a fix called a “TID rollover.” It’s like giving your device a fresh battery to make it keep working.
  • 5. Does the TID rollover affect prepaid meters?
    Ans: Yes. On November 24, 2024, every STS prepayment meter worldwide will experience the TID rollover. After that date, the meters that haven’t had the rollover won’t accept tokens generated
    on both the old and new TID. It’s like trying to open a door with the wrong key
  • 6. What is Key Change Token (KCT)
    Key Change Token (KCT) is a special code used on STS compliant prepaid electricity meters for the TID rollover process. It’s issued by Abuja Electricity Distribution (AEDC) PLC and serves two main purposes:

    1. Resetting TID: The first part of the KCT clears the memory in your meter called the Token Identifier (TID). This resets it to zero.

    2. Enhancing Security: The second part of the KCT updates your meter’s security features, making it more secure.

    In simple terms, think of a KCT as a key that both resets and secures your electricity meter. This plays a vital role in ensuring the correct and secure operation of your meter. It’s an integral component of the TID rollover process that maintains the seamless functioning of your meter.

  • 7.How will TID rollover be performed on the meters?
    Ans: TID rollover is performed by inputting a pair of Key Change Tokens (KCT), usually generated and issued by AEDC, into your meter. The first token clears the meter memory while the second updates the keys.
  • 8. What happens to a prepaid meter when the TID rollover is performed?
    Ans: Think of it like your phone. Sometimes, when your phone has too much stuff on it, it can slow down or have issues. To fix it, you might clear out some old stuff and update the software.
    In the same way, the meter’s memory is cleared (like cleaning up your phone) and gets new security measures (like a software update). If this is done right, the meter won’t have problems with energy tokens after November 24, 2024.
  • 9. Why do the 2024 TID rollover?
    Ans: Think of it like your phone. Sometimes, when your phone has too much stuff on it, it can slow down or have issues. To fix it, you might clear out some old stuff and update the software.
    In the same way, the meter’s memory is cleared (like cleaning up your phone) and gets new security measures (like a software update). If this is done right, the meter won’t have problems with energy tokens after November 24, 2024.
  • 10. When is the next TID rollover date?
    Ans: Think of TID like a timer. This timer is set to 2014. It works for about 31.9 years. So, when that time is up, in 2045, a new timer (TID) will start. It’s like resetting a clock to start counting from zero
  • 11. When was the last TID rollover?
    Ans: January 1, 1993.
  • 12. How do I determine if my meter will be affected by the TID rollover?
    Ans:  To check if your meter is eligible for TID Rollover, visit www.map.abujaelectricity.com/checkmeter
  • 13. Why is the TID exercise happening now?
    Ans: The TID exercise is happening to comply with global standards, enhance security, maintain service continuity, perform preventative maintenance, and ensure customer convenience. It’s a proactive step to keep your meter functional, our vending system reliable and secure.
  • 14. What meters are STS compliant?
    Ans: Determining whether a meter is STS compliant can be done through several methods, including checking the meter’s documentation, contacting the manufacturer or supplier, and examining the meter’s physical characteristics and labelling. However, AEDC will provide a list of STS compliant meters within our franchise area/distribution network.
  • 15. When will the TID reset or TID rollover?
    Ans: The TID on all STS compliant tokens will reset on 24th November 2024.
  • 16. What kind of meters do not require TID or the TID rollover?
    Meters that don’t need a TID update or the TID rollover include two types:
    1. Non-STS Compliant Meters: These are meters that don’t follow the STS standards. They have a different way of working and don’t use TIDs.
    2. Meters Already on the 2014 Base Date: Some meters are already set up correctly with the 2014 base date. These meters are good to go and don’t need any changes.
    So, if you have one of these meters, you don’t have to worry about TID updates or rollovers. Your meter will keep working as it should.

  • 17. Why must my meter be updated?
    Ans: Updating your meter is like regular maintenance for your car. It enhances the security of your meter while ensuring the long-term reliability and functionality of your meter.
    In summary, you must update your meter to keep having access to electricity supply beyond Nov. 24th, 2024.

  • 18. How do I get this KCT token?

    The KCT will be issued to you when you purchase electricity token via any of our accredited channels. You will receive 3 set of tokens when you purchase electricity token from 1st July. The first 2 are the KCT, the 3rd (last) is your purchased energy. After buying units, other channels through which you can retrieve your KCTs are:
    Please note that KCTs are to be applied once and are not transferrable..
  • 19. What next after inputting the Key Change Token (KCT) on my meter?
    Ans: After you put in the Key Change Token (KCT) on your meter, it gets updated.
    This way, your meter can accept new energy tokens, so you’ll have no problems using electricity.
  • 20. What is the cost of this exercise i.e., meter rollover?
    Ans: The Key Change Token (KCT) is provided to customers at zero cost. In simpler terms, the TID rollover is entirely free of charge.
  • 21. What happens if i decide not to partake in this exercise i.e., refusing to rollover my meter?
    Ans: Starting from November 24, 2024, the TID in every STS newly generated token will restart from zero.
    If you attempt to load a token after this date, your meter will display “used”, and electricity supply to your premises (Offices, Homes, Schools) will be disconnected once your existing meter units are

  • 22. Will this TID rollover exercise be a recurrent one?
    Ans: It is a one-off exercise. The TID has a lifespan of 31.9 years, so the next TID rollover will be in year 2045.
  • 23. What period is scheduled for the TID rollover?
    Ans: This exercise will take place until 24th November 2024.
  • 24. Where can I get more information on this TID exercise?
    Where can I get more information on this TID exercise?
    Looking for more info on the TID rollover? Here’s where to go:
    1. Visit Us: Drop by any of our offices, preferably the one nearest to you.
    2. Online: Our website, www.abujaelectricity.com , is a great resource.
    3. Social Media: Follow us on these platforms for updates and insights:
    • Instagram: @aedcelectricity
    • Facebook: @abujaelectricity
    • Twitter: @aedcelectricity, @aedcsupport
    Telegram: Join our Telegram channel at 08152151515 for real-time information. We’re here to keep you in the know!

  • 25. While trying to input the KCT token, the power supply went off. What should I do?
    Ans: Simply restart the process by inputting the token all over again.

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