• 1. What is MAP?
    Ans: It means Meter Asset Provider. It is an initiative by the Federal Government of Nigeria to engage third party vendors to close out the metering gap by enabling customers have easy access to meters at a cost, which cost will be refunded over a period of time.
  • 2. Who are the MAP Vendors assigned to AEDC?
    Ans: These are vendors approved by NERC to meter AEDC customers. They are:
    – Holley Metering Nig Ltd
    – MBH Power Ltd
    – Turbo Energy Ltd
    – Kayz Consortium Ltd
    – Bendoricks International Ltd
    – Klartek Nigeria Ltd
    – Integrated Resources Ltd
    – Protogy Global Serc. Ltd
    – Mojec Asset Management Company Ltd
    In line with the Order on Deregulation of Meter Prices for the MAP Scheme, the meter prices effective 23rd May 2024

  • 3. Are MAP meters issued to customers for free?
    Ans: No. Customers are to purchase the meter at a cost which will be refunded over a period of time
  • 4. How much is the MAP meter?
    Following the Order on Deregulation of Meter Prices for the MAP Scheme, visit to view the meter prices effective 23rd May 2024.
  • 5. Will the Service Reflective Tariff band be applicable to customers metered under MAP?
    Ans: Yes. Customers will still be categorized according to their respective bands i.e Band A, B, C, D and E
  • 6. How can a customer apply for a MAP meter?
    Ans: For new customers, the steps are as follows:
    The process for metering is categorized into two i.e new and existing customers.
    • Visit www.abujaelectricity.com, click on the ‘GETTING METERED’ tab then click on ‘NEW CUSTOMER’ download the Application for Electricity Supply and Agreement Form (Form 74). This form can also be obtained from any AEDC area office at no cost.
    • Completed forms are submitted at the AEDC office where the property is located.
    • Site verification is conducted to determine the meter phase type required
    • A contract number is generated.
    • Payment notification is sent to the customer.
    • Payment is made stating the reference code.
    • Meter is assigned and installed.

    For Existing Customers, the steps are as follows:
    • Visit www.abujaelectricity.com
    • Click on the ‘Getting Metered’ tab
    • Select the ‘MAP’ tab
    • Select ‘Existing Customer’.
    • Complete and submit the form.
    • Site verification is conducted to determine the phase type required
    • Payment notification is sent to the customer.
    • Payment is made stating the reference number, phone number and contract number.
    • Meter installation is executed.

  • 7. How soon will I get metered after payment?
    Ans: The MAP must install the meter within 10 days of receiving payment.
  • 8. I have a new apartment and I currently don’t have any bill, how can I key into MAP?
    Ans: New customers are required to apply for a new connection by downloading the Application for Electricity Supply and Agreement Form (Form 74) from our website: https://www.abujaelectricity.com/downloads/ print, fill it and submit to the serving area office to continue the request process.
  • 9. Will the outstanding debt on my account be erased if I am metered under MAP?
    Ans: No. Getting metered under MAP will not erase your outstanding debt as all outstanding’s debts will be migrated to your meter and deducted as you vend.
  • 10. I do not want my outstanding debt to be migrated to my meter under MAP. What do I do?
    Ans: Customers are encouraged to clear their debt to avoid the migration of their outstanding to their meters.
  • 11. Can a tenant who is metered under MAP relocate the meter upon the expiration of his/her tenancy?
    Ans: No. A tenant cannot relocate the meter as each meter is identified with a particular property.
  • 12. What happens if my meter becomes faulty under MAP?
    Ans: An investigation will be carried out to ascertain the root cause of the fault/damage. If the customer is not responsible for the faulty/damaged meter, AEDC will replace the meter within 2 days. However, if the customer is responsible for the fault/damage, the customer will be required to pay the full cost of the meter for its replacement.
  • 13. How will I know that my prepaid meter is ready for installation under MAP?
    Ans: Customers will be contacted by AEDC for meter installation after payment confirmation.
  • 14. I am a customer with estimated bill. How will I get metered under MAP?
    Step 1: Register your request via our website by clicking on the ‘Getting Metered Tab’ then follow the steps.
    Step 2: A site verification will be carried out on your property.
    Step 3: Make payment for your meter once you have received a payment notification via SMS/Email
    Step 4: Upon payment confirmation, AEDC will contact you for meter installation.
    Step 5: Your property will be metered within 10 days

  • 15. Will I pay for the installation of my prepaid meter under MAP?
    Ans: No. The cost of installation is inclusive in the full cost of the meter.
  • 16. What if I do not want a prepaid meter?
    Ans: According to the NERC MAP and National Mass Metering Regulations, 2021. Such customer will be disconnected and will not be reconnected until her or she allows for the installation of the prepaid meter.
  • 17. Where can I go for my debt issues?
    Ans: Visit AEDC’s Service Point Management/ Debt Office at No. 56 Yaounde Street, Wuse Zone 6, Abuja or contact 09062803418 or send a mail to: debt.spm@abujaelectricity.com or any AEDC Area Office nearest to you.

  • 18. What are the benefits of MAP?
    Ans: They include:
    • Customers will have their premises metered within 10 days.
    • Elimination of estimated billing.
    • Better energy management by customers.
    • Customers paying for what they consume.
    • Customers being metered at no cost.
    • Customer satisfaction.
  • 19. I need more clarifications, who can I talk to or where can I go to get help?
    Ans: You can contact us via:
    • Customer Care line: 08039070070
    • Social Media: Facebook: @abujaelectricity Instagram: @aedcelectricity
    • Email:customercare@abujaelectricity.com
    • Website: www.abujaelectricity.com
    • WhatsApp: 08152141414, 08152151515

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