Power Sector And Other Related News Stories For Friday January 20th 2023

TCN Receives 8 Transformers for World Bank Funded Projects
The Transmission Company of Nigeria, TCN, yesterday, disclosed that it has received eight brand new power transformers under the World Bank funded Nigerian Electricity Transmission Project, NETAP.
The company in a statement by its General Manager, Public Affairs, Ndidi Mbah stated that the transformers comprise six number 150/187.5MVA, 330/132/33kV power transformers and two number 100/125MVA, 132/33kV power transformers are still at the ports as arrangement is being concluded to move the transformers.
Energy Transition and Nigeria Economy
WITH a combination of technology and environmental-friendly behaviours, humanity will overcome the climate change crisis. There are lots of hope. The key to solution lies in clean and renewable energy.
Our actions should not be based on the opinions of profit-driven businessmen who dubiously employ and compromise dishonest scientists to cast aspersion on electric vehicles, EV, and the world quest for clean energy.
TCN allocates 2,704MW to 11 DisCos
The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) has allocated 2,704MW to the 11 electricity Distribution Companies (DisCos) at 17:45 hour 19/01/2023.
The SO allocated 367MW to Abuja DisCo, Benin DisCo 232MW, Eko DisCo 362MW, Enugu DisCo 254MW, Ibadan DisCo 339MW, Ikeja DisCo 361MW, Jos DisCo 158MW, Kaduna DisCo 176MW, Kano DisCo 178MW, PHarcourt DisCo 197MW and Yola DisCo 80MW.
While Kano DisCo apologised to its customers that the poor power supply was due to low energy generation, the Abuja DisCo notified its customers that it was compelled to shed load owing to the low allocation it got from the Independent System Operator of the TCN.
Darkness Looms as GenCos Get Only 30% Gas Supply
Nigeria would continue to suffer from the prevailing electricity shortfall in the country unless drastic measures are taken to fully harness her gas potential domestically to improve power generation.
LEADERSHIP findings reveal that while total gas requirements for existing power stations in the country is approximately 2,734 million standard cubit feet per day (mmscfd), current gas availability to the power stations is 820.2mmscfd. This translates less than 30 per cent of their gas requirement for optimal capacity utilisation.
Enel Wins Approval for Maiden Solar-Storage Project in Australia
A hybrid project in Australia New South Wales state expected to include 96 MW of solar power and 20 MW of battery storage capacity has received grid-connection permission from Italy Enel Green Power.
The Italian energy company announced that the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) had granted the licence and that this would be its “very first hybrid solar-plus-storage project there.
Construction on the facility, located in the Central West and Orana Region of the Australian state, is expected to start in the middle of this year. Enel clarified that rather than having two different connection sites nearby, the point of connection to the electrical grid would be shared under a single Generator Performance Standard (GPS).
[MADAGASCAR]: Ambatolampy Solar Park Storage System Gains £7.1 million
Ambatolampy solar power plant developer, GreenYellow Madagascar has obtained a 33 billion ariary (£7.1 million) guarantee from the African Guarantee Fund (AGF) and GuarantCo, a company of the Private Infrastructure Development Group (PIDG). The warranty covers the Ambatolampy solar PV power plant storage system installation. The plant capacity was recently expanded from 20 to 40 MWp.
The solar park planned storage system will have a 5 MWh capacity. GuarantCo is providing a guarantee of 23.6 billion ariary (£5 million) and 9.4 billion ariary (£2 million) from AGF as part of the deal handled by the Malagasy subsidiary of the French bank Societe Generale. The power storage system will stabilize the grid of Jiro sy Rano Malagasy (JIRAMA), the state-owned firm that purchases the electricity generated by the Ambatolampy solar photovoltaic facility.
IRA to Spur US Rnewables Investment WoodMac
According to a new analysis from Wood Mackenzie, the US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is predicted to spur an increase in annual renewables investment from $64 billion in 2022 to $14 billion by 2031.
The research company predicted the legislation would alter Thursday US renewables supply chain. According to its analyst Daniel Liu, the IRA will promote the establishment of whole supply chains for equipment from scratch as well as the reopening of shuttered facilities.
Two IRA provisions, known as the advanced manufacturing production credits (AMPC) for US-made renewable equipment and an additional tax credit made available to US developers who meet certain thresholds for domestic content, according to WoodMac, will primarily benefit producers of renewable energy equipment. The domestic content threshold is 40% for projects installed before 2025, or 20% in the case of offshore wind, and rises to 55% after 2026 for offshore wind after 2027.
The UK to Develop Six Offshore Wind Farms
The Crown Estate of Britain has signed lease agreements for six new offshore wind projects with the potential to generate around 8GWh of renewable electricity.
The manager of the seabed around England, Wales and Northern Ireland said the power which will be generated is enough to power more than seven million homes.
The deals signed by the Crown Estate include companies such as bp, TotalEnergies and Germany RWE.
Three of the six projects are located off the North Wales, Cumbria and Lancashire coast and three are in the North Sea off the Yorkshire and Lincolnshire coast.